A Farther Shore

Bright Umbrella Theatre

A Farther Shore poster

The Vault
Paradise in The Vault


Performances: 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th August
Start time: 21:45 (1hr)

A tornado of a show, brilliantly realised by actor Glenn McGivern with a terrific soundtrack and superb illustrations by Fergus Wachala-Kelly. Peter. Saint, disciple, martyr, holder of the keys to heaven. But also a working rural fisherman. An ordinary man, called to do extraordinary things. At Joppa, waiting to set sail for new adventures, contemplating his recent past and his encounters with Jesus. What did it all mean? What does 'do not call anything impure that God has made clean' mean? Will Peter ever reach that farther shore? Or is there always another shore beyond it?

Content Warnings

Age guidance: 0+