Binocchio the Bisexual Liar


Binocchio the Bisexual Liar poster

The Snug
Paradise in Augustines


Performances: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th August
Start time: 18:55 (45mins)
Previews: 2nd at 19:45

Lock up your garden chairs, dismantle your altar tables, nothing is safe around Binocchio the bisexual Christian! She’ll sleep with anything with legs – after Bible Study, naturally. Fresh from the mammogram cubicle in Tesco car park, Binocchio brings you 45 minutes of stand-up (she can’t be trusted with a chair), featuring subjects as diverse as fertility signalling, German toilets, Low Emission Zones and Elderflower Shloer. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to encounter this rarest of creatures, the bisexual Christian!

Content Warnings

Age guidance: 16+

  • Scenes of a sexual nature