Dean and the Devil

Bright Umbrella Theatre

Dean and the Devil poster

The Vault
Paradise in The Vault


Performances: 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th August
Start time: 21:45 (1hr)

Alan is adrift in a booze-soaked world of dodgy barmen, deluded therapists and rude shop keepers. His deeply annoying family aren’t helping either. In his blackly hilarious world, can hope triumph over despair? Excellent, gifted performance. Brilliantly written and acted. A powerful performance, amazing acting, genuinely an education and performed with the right balance of authority and tragedy. Very moving. Great depth of characterisation. Outstanding. Featuring live performances of the Dean Martin songs Send Me the Pillow, Little Old Wine Drinker Me and Gentle on My Mind. Written by Philip Orr and acted by Trevor Gill.

Content Warnings

Age guidance: 16+