
InMotion Dance Collective

Midsommar poster

The Sanctuary
Paradise in Augustines

Dance, Physical Theatre, and Circus

Performances: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th August
Start time: 13:00 (25mins)

An ode to the macabre, a salute to your inner demons and a sacrifice for our audience. Join us in an exploration of femininity and the true nature of insanity through contemporary dance. Let our beauty awe you, let our movement leave you with shivers. Described as a feast for the soul, twisted yet beautiful, come and watch us surrender ourselves to the gods, whoever they might be, and truly entertain you. Let us dance with the flowers they’ll one day place on our graves. Eat dirt.

Content Warnings

Age guidance: 12+

  • Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes, Strobe lighting