The Pirates of Penzance

Cat-Like Tread

The Pirates of Penzance poster

The Sanctuary
Paradise in Augustines

Musicals and Opera

Performances: 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th August
Start time: 20:25 (1hr30)

Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera, The Pirates of Penzance, is a rollicking tale of pirates, policemen and poor young orphans. Misadventures in love, thrilling chases, devotion to the queen and, above all, a strong sense of duty make this an exciting show perfect for audiences of all ages. A musical delight from an energetic cast, the entertaining characters and memorable songs will have you smiling and humming for days. Cat-Like Tread is an Edinburgh-based theatre company with a love of Gilbert and Sullivan that is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2023.

Content Warnings

Age guidance: 0+