Worm Teeth

SMaK Productions

Worm Teeth poster

The Vault
Paradise in The Vault


Performances: 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th August
Start time: 21:20 (1hr)

Worm is quite happy being just that: a worm. However, there is one thing missing – this worm wants teeth. And you, yes you, are going to help it get them! As you move through the forest, you will meet Worm's friends (and enemies), play games, sing songs, and talk through both your own and Worm's anxieties, doubts, and feelings. In the end, it is up to you – will you help Worm get the teeth it wants? Or will you take things a step further and help it achieve self-acceptance?

Content Warnings

Age guidance: 12+

  • Audience participation, Scenes of violence